Articles submitted to Jurnal ILMU DASAR must be submitted through the online submission system. The article has never been loaded or is being submitted for posting in other journals. This is evidenced by filling out the author's statement or statement of originality and submitted together when submitting the article. The letter can be downloaded in supplementary files on statement of originality.
Articles submitted to the Jurnal ILMU DASAR can be in full English or full Indonesian. For full English, the abstract is sufficient to write in English, but if full Indonesian, it is mandatory to include 2 languages, namely English and Indonesian.
Manuscript must be written according to the following Jurnal ILMU DASAR structure:
Title: English title consists of around 10 words.
Authors: All of the Authors have to enter a valid email during submission process. It is obligation of the corresponding author for entering the name and email address all of the contributing authors.
Abstract: It must be written clearly and concisely, consists of objectives and scope of research, methods, results and conclusion, must not be more than 300 words. References, figures, table are not allowed in abstract.
Keywords: It consists of terms in English that can be used to search the article.
Introduction: Background, theoretical review, and objectives of research, must be included implicitly in the introduction.
Methods: All important methods, including important materials, applied the research should be described here.
Results and Discussion: This part describes results, illustrations, interpretation, generalisation of the results and its relationship with previous related research.
Conclusion: It briefly describes the important finding of the research and must be based on the fact.
References: References must be written as follows (JID used Mendeley as an Reference Manager).
a. Cross-referencing in the text must be consistent with references, both for authors name and year of publications.
b. Cross-referencing in the text are as follows: “(Author_Name Year)â€, or “Author_Name (Year)â€. Notation “&†is used instead of “and†to separate two authors of the same publication. For author more than 2, must be written as “Author_Name1 et al. Year).
c. References
i. Reference items must be ordered alphabetically (A-Z) based on Author1_Name and year of publications.
ii. Similar authors must be written completely (not using ----------)
iii. All authors must be written completely in the form “ Family_Name Initial_Name.Year of publication. ....â€
iv. Reference from books: “Author_name. Year. Book Title (italics). City:Publisherâ€.
v. Reference from journals: “Author_name. Year. Article title. Journal Title (italics). Vol./No (bold): pages.
vi. Reference from unpublished works (thesis, report, dissertations): “Author_name. Year. Work Title (italics). [unpublished type of work, name of institutions]
vii. Reference from Internets: Author_name. Year. Paper Title (italics). Web_address [Date of access].
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